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The psychology behind customer reviews: Why we are fascinated by the opinions of others

In the modern digital world, customer reviews have become a decisive factor in purchasing decisions. But why do we attach so much importance to the opinions of others? In this blog post, we get to the bottom of the psychology behind customer reviews and show why they fascinate us so much.

The power of social proof

Customer reviews are a classic example of social proof. People tend to make their decisions based on what others have done because they assume these actions are rational and correct. In the world of online shopping and digital services, customer opinions, user ratings and customer reviews become a powerful tool to help us navigate a jungle of options.

The positive or negative experience of others not only gives us peace of mind, but also reduces the risk of making bad decisions. Imagine you are faced with two different menus in a new restaurant. One dish is recommended by everyone at the table, while the other is known for its mediocre seasoning. Which do you choose? Probably the recommended one, because the positive testimonials from your friends make it almost impossible to make the wrong decision.

studies show that 92% of people regularly read online reviews before making a purchase(BrightLocal, 2024). This overwhelming majority relies on the experiences of others to make an informed decision. The phenomenon of people basing their behavior on that of others is deeply rooted in our psychology.

Another impressive result: 88% of consumers would prefer a company that responds to all reviews. This figure illustrates how strongly interaction with customer reviews strengthens trust and increases the likelihood of a purchase.

As the famous writer and psychologist Robert Cialdini said:

"Social proof is a psychological and social phenomenon in which people imitate the actions of others in order to behave accordingly in a particular situation."
It gives us a good feeling when we see that many others have gone down a similar path before us and have successfully mastered it. So the next time a potential buyer is at a loss in front of your product page, let the positive customer testimonials speak for themselves and let the social proof work for you.


Dissonance reduction and decision-making

Imagine you are standing in the supermarket and have to choose between two seemingly equivalent products. Your inner turmoil increases and you suddenly wish you had more information so that you could make an informed decision. The phenomenon of cognitive dissonance describes precisely this unpleasant feeling of indecision that arises when we are uncertain. Customer reviews offer a valuable opportunity to reduce this dissonance. This is because they provide opinions and experiences of other buyers that support us in our decision-making process.

According to a recent study by BrightLocal, 50% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. This means that the opinion of an anonymous stranger on the internet carries just as much weight as that of a close friend. The famous psychologist Leon Festinger emphasized that people strive to minimize cognitive dissonance by looking for consonance - and it is precisely this consonance that they often find in positive customer opinions.

"Doubt is the origin of wisdom, but assessments bring clarity into play."

A simple look at the user reviews can often answer numerous questions, such as:

  • Is the product of good quality?
  • What was the experience of other buyers?
  • Are there any recurring problems I should watch out for?

For example, let's say you are looking for a new laptop. The fact that 75% of respondents say it's important for them to read customer reviews before making a purchase decision speaks volumes. The reviews and testimonials of other customers help to reduce your uncertainty and make a well-considered choice, ultimately making you feel more satisfied with your purchase.

By providing additional information and diverse perspectives, customer reviews make the entire decision-making process easier and increase confidence in the choice made. With less doubt and more certainty, reviews lead to higher satisfaction, which in turn increases the likelihood that you too will write a positive customer review.

By understanding how customer reviews help us to reduce cognitive dissonance, companies can develop effective reputation management strategies and provide customers with a seamless and secure shopping experience.


  1. BrightLocal, "Local Consumer Review Survey 2024," available at brightlocal.com.
  2. Statista, "Importance of Online Reviews," available at statista.com.

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Trust in anonymity

Another fascinating aspect of customer reviews is the invaluable trust that people place in the anonymity of the internet. This virtual invisibility encourages many to bluntly share their opinions without fear of being criticized in the next supermarket queue. According to BrightLocal, just as many consumers trust online reviews as personal recommendations. However, there is a decisive advantage here: no critical looks or comments from the personal environment.

Why does anonymity have such a strong appeal? Here are some reasons:

  • Credibility: Reviews from people who have no personal relationship with us often appear more credible and objective. Unless, of course, they praise a product to the skies - then we're all a bit skeptical, aren't we?
  • Honesty: Anonymity makes people feel freer to give their honest and detailed feedback. There is no social embarrassment and no one has to save face.
  • Diversity of opinions: An anonymous space encourages a wide range of people to share their thoughts - from enthusiastic fans to constructive critics. This leads to a more diverse and comprehensive range of opinions.
  • Security: Users feel safer when they know that their identity is protected. This increases the likelihood that they will post honest, possibly even negative reviews without fear of reprisals.

Ultimately, anonymity increases the authenticity of customer opinions. Think of it as a kind of digital confessional where the truth comes out, just without the sin-heavy confession. In the words of marketing expert Seth Godin:

"People don't buy goods and services. They buy relationships, stories and magic."

And where do we find these stories and magic? In the anonymous, honest and captivating testimonials of customers who are willing to share their experiences.

Filtering the relevant information

Customer reviews serve as a kind of filter mechanism that helps us to find relevant information quickly. Imagine you want to buy a new smartphone. The product description may be glossy and beautiful, but real insights often only come from those who have already held the device in their hands.

Such detailed customer reviews and user ratings offer detailed insights that mere product descriptions cannot provide. Instead of spending hours going through reviews and technical data, well-filtered ratings make it possible to grasp the most important information more quickly.

According to BrightLocal's study, 81% of consumers read online reviews on Google for local businesses, with the average person needing 10 reviews to build trust in a business. So not only do customer testimonials save us time, they also help us make more informed decisions. Who better to describe this process than one of the pioneers of the information society?

"We are drowning in information, but starving for knowledge." - John Naisbitt

Keyword: Know and don't drown. A well-filtered review can be exactly what saves us from making a bad purchase - or helps us find the best fully automatic coffee machine for our morning dose of caffeine. We're talking about:

  • Experience reports that go into detail about the use of the product.
  • Product reviews that address specific questions that also concern us.
  • Online customer reviews that reveal trends and common problems.

In summary, customer reviews provide indispensable and precise information to help us find our way through the jungle of decisions. At the end of the day, we save time and know that we have made wiser purchasing decisions.

Empathy and human connection

Human stories and experiences inspire empathy and create a deeper human connection. Have you ever wondered why you can empathize so much with other people's stories when you read customer reviews? In fact, research shows that our brains respond strongly to stories and emotional experiences. According to a study by Paul Zak, a neuroscientist, stories increase oxytocin levels in the brain, which leads to increased trust and more empathetic behavior.

When we read testimonials, we put ourselves in the shoes of others. Imagine Roy, who happens to be a tech guru, writing about his experience with a new gadget. Roy talks about how the device has changed his life at the office - he no longer drinks five cups of coffee because he works more efficiently. Suddenly we are not only in Roy's office, but also in his everyday life, his coffee consumption and his satisfaction.

The great thing is that we feel connected to people like Roy, even if we have never met them. We feel their needs, their desires and their successes. This sense of community is a powerful tool. It makes us want to try similar products because we feel emotionally connected. We are, as Mark Twain put it, "an interplay of the masses".

"It's not the product itself that convinces us; it's the stories and experiences of the people who have used it." - Unknown

Another exciting aspect of customer reviews is that they speak the universal language of emotions. Whether we are interested in cooking pots or cosmetics, the stories of other users captivate us. 69% of consumers feel positive about a company when the reviews describe positive experiences.

In summary, personal stories and experiences not only increase our capacity for empathy, but also strengthen our sense of community and trust. The power of customer testimonials is that they speak to us on an emotional level and make us feel part of a larger community - a community of enthusiastic and satisfied consumers.

Conclusion: The irreplaceable role of customer reviews

Customer reviews are more than just the opinions of other users. They are a powerful tool that significantly influences the way we make decisions. Studies show that around 91% of consumers are influenced by reviews before making a purchase decision. Why? Because they provide us with social proof, reduce dissonance and provide valuable information that helps us make informed and confident purchasing decisions. Social proof is a psychological phenomenon in which people imitate the actions of others to confirm an action as the "right choice". For example, if you see that a restaurant has hundreds of positive reviews, there's a good chance you'll want to eat there too. This peer pressure 2.0 is a powerful influencer of our modern lives. By helping us reduce dissonance, reviews also reduce doubt after a purchase. Who hasn't spent an hour reading reviews before finally deciding to buy the latest tech wonder boy? After the purchase, you realize that other buyers are just as enthusiastic - the nightmare of a bad purchase is thus averted. In addition to this, reviews also provide us with valuable information, such as the durability of a product, the quality of customer service or even tips on how to use it. Customer testimonials such as "The lifespan of this coffee machine is only 6 months" or "The customer service was incredibly friendly and helpful" are worth their weight in gold when it comes to making an informed decision. As Oscar Wilde once said:

"Experience is the best teacher, but it's rarely a happy lesson."
In the digital age, however, it is possible to learn from the experiences of others without running the risk of making a mistake yourself. Use these insights to recognize the power of customer reviews and leverage them for your reputation management. Solid review management can not only improve your online reputation, but also drive your business growth. See honest customer testimonials not just as words, but as valuable assets that build trust and transparency. After all, as the old adage goes: "Good reviews are the best business card." The more positive reviews, the greater the trust your brand enjoys.


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